I just went to The Container Store. I had to wipe the drool off my mouth when I left. It opened at the beginning of March, but I've been avoiding it because I know a trip to that store can lead to some unexpected charges on the credit card. What is it about a store full of containers that makes me go crazy?? I'm not particularly organized, but I do love little bins & buckets. I was good & kept my hands in my pockets. It just about killed me.
I have many, many guilty pleasures. I love People magazine. And who needs a Snickers bar when you have semi-sweet chocolate chips in the house? My deepest, darkest, dirtiest guilty pleasure is my secret love of chick-lit. I avoid these books at all costs (okay..most costs) because I believe they make me dumber. I don't need any help in that department these days. I think they rot your brain more than any trashy romance novel does. But, God help me, Sophie Kinsella just came out with a new Shopaholic novel & I want to get my hands on it. Seriously, a book with Shopaholic in the title? What's wrong with me? I'm also a sucker for a Maeve Binchy novel. And, this one might actually be worse than the chick-lit one, when we were in New York John and I used to sneak over to the Olive Garden. This only happened 3 or 4 times over the course of 4 years, but we really did sneak. It was right by his school & we would make sure no one we knew was around before we popped in. We always fooled ourselves into thinking the food would be good. But, I've never liked eating at the Olive Garden. I don't know why I thought I would like it then. It was just more expensive in New York, it didn't actually taste better.
All of this to say, I have a new one. A new guilty pleasure. America's Next Top Model. I used to hear people talk about this show & think they were crazy to want to watch it. I thought that about Project Runway too, until I watched it and fell in love. Project Runway filled the void that was left when Survivor jumped the shark & now ANTM is filling the void until Project Runway returns. Who knew reality television could be so good? I won't over-analyze my love for this silly show, but I think it's partially because I love any before/after makeover show. I usually don't take our Tivo suggestions, but I'm glad I checked this one out.
So, now I've exposed myself on my blog. Fitting since I exposed my son on the last post.