It's pretty thrilling to see Jack do things for the first time. We've seen countless firsts and still have many, many left to go. He's started speaking in sentences. Here are some recent first words & sentences from the mouth of my babe:
"saxophone!" (it's said with an exclamation point- he loves the saxophone)
"Little baby toes." This was said while he was kissing Elsie's toes over & over.
"Mama, I want chocolate milk." This is said every single time we pass a McDonalds.
"I want food." This one cracks me up every time. I ask him what kind of food & he just replies, "Yeah, food!"
One of the biggest & most exciting firsts happened in the pool this past weekend. Out of nowhere he put his face in the water and blew bubbles. We've not been trying to teach him this, he just did it. All of a sudden he's become comfortable in the pool & will do so many new things. He's been jumping off of things, riding on our back & putting his whole head under water.
It's fun to wake up every morning wondering what first we'll see that day!